Thursday 3 July 2008

"In an Unwinnable and Deeply Unpopular War"

Why are we fighting in Afghanistan? What have we done since we got there, have we made any progress, from where we started; if we have even started? Is the war in Afghanistan really 'unwinnable and deeply unpopular', as Sir Peter Tapsell suggests. Furthermore is a war supposed to be popular... if so what makes it popular? When was the last 'popular war'? Or have I completely missed the meaning of popular in this context?

Monday 30 June 2008

"Call Home For Heroes In Phoney War"

The Sun, Guardian and Scotsman all cover the same story and topic, but in different ways...
The Sun's headline covers the phone bill slash for the troops, as it played a major hand in getting the bill slashed. The story is praising the Sun, the wording is very sympathetic to the troops almost making them victims and helpless to the phones charges they endures before the Sun protested them, thus insinuating the Sun as ' a hero'. However the story covered by the Guardian & Scotsman in detail, is just a snippet in the middle of the paper. The Suns context and content is very personal and seeks provoke a feeling, emotion or pity, whereas the Guardian and Scotsman's context and content is factual and mainly seeks to inform.